Access Your Energy
Engage your healing process Align, Detox, Transform
2020 Events and Workshops
Aly Learmonth (Medical Intuitive, Access Your Energy) will be offering personalised energy medicine sessions at Kawaipurapura Retreat, Albany, NZ.
During a 60 min session, Aly offers a unique combination of healing modalities that focus on alignment, detoxing and transformation. Gentle body work is combined with vocal prompting (EFT tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique, sound and light techniques known as the Keys of Ishtar, NLP Neurolinguistic programming).
Bookings recommended by prior arrangement. Please text 021 121 6923.
Voices of Sacred Earth Festival
Thursday 6 Feb 2020 4pm -
Sunday 9 Feb 2020 5pm.
Kawaipurapura Retreat Centre, Auckland NZ.
Visit www.SacredEarth.nz

Taupo Wellbeing Market March 17 & 18 2018
Learn how you can engage your healing process!
Experience a 20 minute demonstration (teaching) session of techniques used to Align, Detox and Transform.
An introductory session combines gentle body work with guided visualisation and voice prompting to help the body safely access stress created by unconscious patterns and transform it painlessly.
Re-learn your responses that allow for deep healing on all levels.
Remove limiting beliefs and self sabotage. Drug free pain relief.
Emotional freedom. Access your energy!
Weekend 17 &18th March
Great Lake Taupo Events Centre

Introductory session

Aly Learmonth,
Medical Intuitive