Access Your Energy
Engage your healing process Align, Detox, Transform
is a fun, supported program particularly for ladies to support and honour being beautiful, sexy, strong, assertive, powerful, and intelligent. It is particularly helpful for transitional stages of woman-hood, particularly puberty and motherhood.
On the whole, the creative forces associcated with being a woman are undervalued and not appreciated as the powerful energy resources that they are. You may notice that successful women (and men) have a certain x-factor about them, a special sexy but classy energy. To access this, many women need to become comfortable being who they truly are.
This healing pathway addresses nourishment on all levels, with options to work with stressors, toxins and unresolved trauma affecting attitude and body image.
Each custom support package includes:
A free strategy session to check where you are at with life and being you, what your aspirations for yourself are, and how I can help you.
A step-by-step daily plan to create the even more fabulous person you want to be!
A chat to discuss your progress every week, and to receive support and updated suggestions.
A remote AccessYourEnergy treatment every week with written notes about stressors toxins and traumas that required attention using the Forensic Healing System.
Links to recipes, articles and videos that relate to your situation or goals.
​Links to ancient wisdom and up-to-date studies about health relating to you.
Q & A support through health challenges via email.
To ask Aly about tailoring a program to suit you Click Here....
Testimonials Click Here....
Information about Energy Medicine Click Here....
First strategy session ...............................$FREE (30 mins)
Start It Up session......................................$90.00 (60-120 mins)
Tune It Up custom support.....................Click Here... (4 weeks)
Step It Up custom support......................Click Here... (8 weeks)
Ultimate custom support ......................Click Here... (16+weeks)
"Fall in love with yourself once and for all... ...and feel fantastic!"
To make a payment Click Here....
Have you kind of lost your mojo?
Do you want to feel sexy and happy in your own skin?
Do you need more energy to be who you truly are?
Do you want to enjoy abundant health, friends, life experiences?